
Refer to Markdown for how to write markdown files.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Install BatchSharp

    BatchSharp can be installed using the Nuget package manager or the dotnet CLI.

    • Package Manager

      Install-Package BatchSharp
    • dotnet CLI

      dotnet add package BatchSharp
  2. Create processor class

    using BatchSharp.Processor;
     namespace BatchSharp.Example.Processor;
     public class ExampleProcessor : IProcessor<string, int>
         // Convert input data to output data
         // This method is called for each input data
         public int Process(string source)
             return source.Length;
  3. Create the main class

    Configure input and output type of batch application. And register processor class that convert input data to output data.

    using BatchSharp;
    using BatchSharp.Example;
    using BatchSharp.Example.Processor;
    using BatchSharp.Example.Reader;
    using BatchSharp.Example.Writer;
    using BatchSharp.Processor;
    using BatchSharp.Reader;
    using BatchSharp.Writer;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
    var builder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .ConfigureHostConfiguration(builder =>
            // Add BatchSharp configuration
        .ConfigureServices((_, services) =>
            services.AddScoped<IBatchApplication, ExampleBatchApplication>();
            // Register reader setting
            services.AddScoped<IFileReaderSetting, FlatFileReaderSetting>( c => new FlatFileReaderSetting("input.txt"));
            // Register reader class
            services.AddScoped<IReader<string>, FlatFileReader>();
            // Register processor class
            services.AddScoped<IProcessor<string, int>, ExampleProcessor>();
            // Register writer setting
            services.AddScoped<IFileWriterSetting, FileWriterSetting>(c => new FileWriterSetting("output.txt"));
            // Register writer class
            services.AddScoped<IWriter<int>, ExampleWriter>();
            services.AddScoped<IStep, SimpleStep<string, int>>();
            services.AddScoped<IStepState, StepState>();
    var app = builder.Build();
    await app.RunAsync();
  4. Run batch application

    dotnet run